
Since the 1960’s we have become a more and more narcissistic society. Everything is about “me” and my wants.

Well, when you create a life it is no longer about YOU. It’s not about your job, your beach body, your status, you getting in trouble with parents, your lifestyle, etc,…  It is about a BABY!

Abortion is Murder and murder is EVIL.

Anyone who has had an abortion after consensual sex for anything other than a Life Threatening Issue was both selfish and a murderer.

Anyone who has had an abortion after non-consensual sex for any reason other than a Life Threatening Issue was both selfish and just a week person.

Anyone who repeatedly uses abortion as birth control is a mass murderer no different than someone who shoots up a school. At lease the children can try to get away and hide. The babies have no defense from the forceps and vacuum coming at them, ripping them limb from limb.  

Anyone who supports abortion on demand and in turn wants gun control citing killed children is a Huge Hypocrite and EVIL. It is estimated more than 63 MILLION babies have been MURDERED since 1973 when Roe was created. The TOTAL number of Americans killed in ALL Wars from 1775 to today is 1,304,597. Let that sink in. Nearly 50 times as many Americans have died by abortion since 1973 than ALL of our wars combined.

Anyone who supports late term abortion and infanticide is EVIL and there is a special place in Hell for you.

Even with all of this the Constitution grants the individual States the authority over this issue. The Founders were collective geniuses in the Creation of the US Constitution and then the Bill of Rights. Specifically the 9th and 10th Amendments that further strengthen the limits on the Federal Government. Sadly they have been ignored by activist judges for several generations. Thankfully there may be a shift back to the Rule of Law but it won’t be without protest from the selfish and Ignorant.