Independence or Dependence

In order for you to allow someone else to be responsible for you, you first have to give up the ability to be responsible for yourself. Let that marinate for a minute.

From the time we are 12 or 13 we can’t wait to be 18 so we can do it our way. Be responsible for ourselves. Take control of our lives. Yet some of you chose to relinquish your rights to make your own decisions for your life based on your personal goals and aspirations to a Government who unlike your parents only cares about your vote and your tax dollars. You are willing to give up your rights and worst of all the rights of others and future generations for the appearance of safety and security.

With each passing generation we have watched the Federal Government grow and grow to the point that it dictates nearly every aspect of our lives. It tells you what you can eat. Who you bust do business with. What you can do with your own property. If you can go to work or open your business. The list is endless. The current push is to make that complete. You do as the establishment wants or, your insurance will be cancelled, your business license will be revoked, your power will be cut off, your ability to communicate will be terminated, your ability to carry out business financial transactions will be terminated. All of these have happened and will continue to get worse as long as we allow it.

History has shown us that once you give a power to the Government, any Government, they don’t give it back without a fight.

I resent with every fiber of my being having to say “Mother May I” to some Government Bureaucrat.

Election Fraud?

“No Election Fraud”, “Well Maybe But Not Enough To Matter”

The Left seized on the opportunity to create chaos in the election. Starting in the spring of 2020 using the Covid-19 virus, they began to push for mass mail in voting. Absentee voting, where the voter had to request a ballot, was not good enough. They insisted on mailing ballots to everyone on the voter rolls. The same voter rolls that they for years had resisted cleaning up. Ballots were sent to dead people, to addresses the individuals no longer lived at, etc,…

As if that wasn’t enough, they then began pushing to extend the deadline for ballots to be received. Some even did so in violation to their State Constitutions. They also pushed to have safeguards like signature verification completely done away with or weakened. Why would you want fewer security measures in place unless you wanted illegal votes to flood in?

Lets go to election day. In the swing states, primarily in a few heavy Democratic controlled cities, we watched vote observers be denied the ability to meaningfully observe the count. Some were refused entry all together. Some were cordoned off in areas far away from the counting. We saw them get kicked out and boxes placed over the windows so nobody could see what was happening. In one county in Michigan we watched 6000 +/- votes get flipped from one candidate to another. In GA the news reported that a water line had ruptured and vote counting had been stopped. In other places we were told that the vote counting had stopped until the morning. These are just a few of the “irregularities” that we watched unfold on election night.

Days after the election, votes continued to stream in as more reports of “irregularities” came to light. Legal affidavits were signed by hundreds of people who claimed to see and experience fraudulent actions.

Legal challenges started to flow in. The primary reaction of the court was one of three things. You should have filed before the election. You waited too long after the election to file. Or their favorite, You lack Standing. Few cases were actually heard. One of the cases that was heard was in WI and the court said yes but you are asking us to disenfranchise 200,000 voters. I would say that they were being asked to protect all of the other votes and the ones who committed the fraud or mishandled the ballots are who disenfranchised the voters.

In Wayne County (Detroit) 70% of the districts were out of balance with well over 100% voter turnout. Some reported more votes cast than people living in the districts including children. Two members refused to certify the numbers until the “Irregularities” were resolved. They were badgered, belittled, doxed, and had threats made against them and their families until they finally caved and certified the results. The next day they recanted but were told there was no process for undoing their certification.

Back to the 6000 vote switch. After much fighting and foot dragging those machines were audited and found to have a 68% error rate. Far exceeding Federal requirements. To this date no other machines have been audited……

Lets go back to the busted waterline in Atlanta. Come to find out it was a leaking urinal that was actually earlier in the day and had been resolved. Then we discover video of boxes of votes being pulled from under a table and counted after everyone except for a few were told to leave.

For those of you who scream, but the recounts! If you are doing a cash audit looking for fraud and just count the bills you will not see the counterfeits and you will come up with the same totals every time. Signature audits were never done on mail in ballots so counting ballots doesn’t prove they were legal or illegal. It only proves they exist.

Alan Dershowitz a Democrat and Constitutional Scholar said repeatedly in interviews that the Courts were not interested in getting involved in the election and wouldn’t hear the cases. He proved to be correct and that is dereliction of duty on their part. The strongest case out of PA, of unconstitutional actions by state officials has been pushed out past January 20 by the Supreme Court.

So those who claim there was no fraud are liars. Those who claim there wasn’t enough to swing the election, could be right but we will never know because the cases were not heard preventing a thorough investigation and it will all be swept under the rug. The questioned “Irregularities” were way more than needed to swing the election. To dismiss this as nothing is foolish and may lead to much more trouble in the future due to a lack of confidence in both the election system and the Judicial system. Both failed us in 2020.

Tractor Problems and new Homestead Preps

I hate hauling hay by hand and using borrowed equipment but that is where I find myself today. Tractor will not keep running and the John Deer Dealership just came and picked it up. It took them a week to come get it and they say it will be about two weeks before they can get to it. I wish I would have bought an older tractor without all the environmental crap on it. One without all the computer crap on it. One that the average person could work on.

Now that that is out of my system.
It has taken some time but Olive is completely mastitis free. I don’t think that would have ever cleared completely up without the calf helping to keep her milked out. I have been and will continue to milk every morning to strip her out even without separating her from the calf. I thought that she had lost the right front quarter. It was still mostly hard as a rock giving very little milk as late as a month ago. Now it is normal. It has been a long battle that is finally won.

Also, an addition to the Homestead and preparedness in general, right before Thanksgiving I got my HAM radio Technician license. Working on the General and maybe if I can dedicate some time to it like I did the Technician it will come sooner than later. Call sign is KO4IPQ. I have a small handheld transceiver and just bought a Kenwood TM-V71 that I will put in the truck for now. Once I get an antenna up I will move it into the house for my base station and get a different one for the truck. Not exactly a cheap project so this will have to be done over several months.

The Cycle of Freedom and Traitors

The Cycle of Freedom The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been about 200 years. These nations always progressed through this sequence:
From Bondage to Moral Certitude;
from Moral Certitude to Great Courage;
from Great Courage to Liberty;
from Liberty to Abundance;
from Abundance to Selfishness;
from Selfishness to Complacency;
from Complacency to Apathy;
from Apathy to Dependency; (We Are Here)
from Dependency to Bondage.

I am a firm believer in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution and it’s principals as written and intended by its authors. For just over 20 years I swore to defend the Constitution against its enemies both foreign and domestic. That didn’t end with my retirement. Obviously some of you prior servicemen and women forgot that or never meant it.
I have family, friends and acquaintances who have chosen to betray their country by turning their back on the Constitution in favour of unAmerican values as Socialism, Communism, and Globalism. All top down heavy handed authoritarian in nature. This places you firmly in the domestic enemy camp and you shall be treated as the traitors you have chosen to be. Sadly there is no other way to look at it.

Disagree with me? Pick up the Constitution, the Federalist Papers and the Anti-Federalist Papers for understanding. Then try to compare your values, wants and desires to those of the founders and see how they align with the Constitution. I won’t bother to wait because I already know that they do not. You want to be taken care of. To be dependent upon some all powerful earthly government. That is not what the United States was founded to be. The United States was founded on limited central government, maximum individual freedom, and maximum individual responsibility.

God tells us to Love our Enemy and I love you all a human-beings and Gods creations. But so are rabid dogs Gods creations. The only consolation to this is that if Revolution or Civil War starts in my lifetime, due to our geographical distance, the bullet that finds you will not be mine and vise versa.

First Signs of The Great Reset

The first time we saw this was during the Obama administration when some banks decided they would no longer do business with firearm manufacturers and dealers.

Now we see social media accounts as well as entire services killed. Banking services and payment processors disabling and refusing to do business with conservatives. And now Baseball Legend Curt Schilling reports that his insurance with AIG has been canceled because of his social media profile.

The “Global Government – Business Partnership” is all about control. You do as they say or your business and livelihood will be taken away. Welcome to 21 century SERFDOM. We can expect this to only get worse after the Biden Administration takes over in a few short days. Your Rights and the Constitution will not even slow them down. This is why Trump had to lose and we watched the Coup over the last four years culminating with the Stolen Election. His America First policies were in the way of the Communist-Globalist agenda.

If you believe in the Constitution and our founding principals you should be preparing for a rough time in the coming years. Hopefully you have already prepared but it’s never too late to start.

Pray for The United States.

The Tree of Liberty

Georgia you know not what you have done.

All eyes are on Trump and Pence today. Georgians rolled over and elected two hard left radicals to the Senate creating a 50-50 split. If the Presidency is not salvaged from this train wreck the America that we grew up in could very well be over.

The virus has been used to flip the country and may very well have pushed up over the edge. I have my doubts if we will even resemble a Constitutional Republic in a few short months if the Democrats control all 3 branches of government. These are not my Grandfathers Democrats they are Socialist\Communist\Globalists and against all the principals that America was founded on.

If they do as they said they would they will pack the court. No, contrary to the new narrative packing the court is not just changing the direction the court leans. Trump did not pack the court. He filled vacancies. The Democrats will add enough seats to change the direction the court leans in order to gut the Constitution. They will add states to create new Senators guaranteeing the Republicans will never again win control of the Senate. FDR tried this but our grandfathers Democrats wouldn’t allow it.

They hate Christianity specific and religion in general. They promote collectivism over Individualism. They promote dependency over independence. They are all in with Global Governance over American Independence. This is not about Trump, Biden, abortion, Black Lives Matter, or any of the other narratives being pushed. It is about ideology. It is about Freedom or Government control, Socialism, Communism, Fascism, etc,… take your pick. Once you give Government control it never gives it back. It is said that you can vote your way into Socialism but you have to SHOOT your way out.

As our country was growing and states were added they were added in a manner that maintained a balance of power to prevent Civil War. It worked for a while.  Free and fair elections and The Pendulum that I have spoken of before have kept us from fighting in the streets. Take that away and all bets are off. The people who only want to raise their families, go to work, and be left alone are going to stand up and say enough. That is if they have even a drop of the Founders blood flowing through their veins and the Courage to save These United States of America.

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.”  Thomas Jefferson