
The hen got off the nest in the barn yesterday. She had only lost one chick that didn’t follow and died from the cold. When I checked on her last night she had 6 chicks. A little brown one and 5 black ones. We were worried about the cold but we should have been worried about something else.



I found some feathers near the barn when I went up this morning. Thinking the worst I looked for the hen and chicks while I was feeding the animals.


Found her and one little chick. She is missing a few feathers but other than that she is ok. The chick is keeping up with her fine so maybe they will be ok. If they stay close to the dog they should be fine. My guess is I have a raccoon slipping in looking for feed and found her. The dogs probably ran it off but not before it got the chicks and a mouth full of feathers.


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