Marla has torn a palm sized place on her side. I don’t know for sure how she did it but she is very lucky it didn’t penetrate her stomach. I wanted to catcher her and put a stitch in it to help close the wound. Unfortunately she wouldn’t cooperate and we were not able to get her in the stall. We didn’t want her running or getting stressed so I got as close as I could and sprayed antibiotics on her. We’ll try again later. Until then I will just spray her every time I can get close. The best thing is we are not in fly season so that is something we don’t have to worry about.


Rosie is going to give us a new calf any day. Over the last week I have been able to feel the calf kick. This morning I noticed she was licking on her sides, alternating from one side to the other. I expected to find a calf when I got home. Not yet, but the calf is kicking hard tonight and Rosie is keeping to herself more.


Soon she will have a calf of her own and she woun’t have to adopt others to fill that desire.


UPDATE on Marla

She never would let me put any stitches in but I was able to clean it up and cover it with “Blue Cote.” It is closing up well on its own. Not as fast as it wold have but at least it’s not getting worse or infected.

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