Clean Up Crew

I finally harvested the last from my very neglected garden. I had one short row of sweet potatoes that gave me a full five gallon bucket of potatoes. Then I turned the first cleaning crew lose.

Clean Up Crew

It took the goats about an hour to clean up most of the standing corn stalks, dying beans and weeds that started taking over the plot. I neglected the garden far too much this year. This was the least productive year of the ten I have been planting in this spot. Nothing wrong with the ground just the gardener. Next year will be better.

Once the goats clean up everything above ground I will spread compost and run the pigs through. By the time they are finished the ground will be ready for a late fall crop to go in. I’m getting a late start so I will think about using low tunnels when the temperature starts to fall. I have never used low tunnels so that will be a learning opportunity.